Catering Resources

Boost Your Restaurant's Success with CokMaster's All-in-One Solutions & Equipment

Boost Your Restaurant's Success with CokMaster'...

Elevate your restaurant's success with CokMaster's comprehensive solutions and equipment. Discover our wide range of products and services, including disposables, furniture, storage, and top-quality kitchen equipment, tailored to optimize your...

Boost Your Restaurant's Success with CokMaster'...

Elevate your restaurant's success with CokMaster's comprehensive solutions and equipment. Discover our wide range of products and services, including disposables, furniture, storage, and top-quality kitchen equipment, tailored to optimize your...

Upgrade Your Canteen: Save Money & Boost Sales with Top Canteen Equipment Solutions

Upgrade Your Canteen: Save Money & Boost Sales ...

As a canteen owner, you recognize the significance of efficiency and cost-saving strategies. Selecting the right commercial kitchen equipment can be the game-changer in transforming your canteen into a profitable,...

Upgrade Your Canteen: Save Money & Boost Sales ...

As a canteen owner, you recognize the significance of efficiency and cost-saving strategies. Selecting the right commercial kitchen equipment can be the game-changer in transforming your canteen into a profitable,...

How Canteen Equipment Can Improve Food Safety and Hygiene

How Canteen Equipment Can Improve Food Safety a...

Food safety and hygiene are more important than ever, and canteen owners need to ensure that their operations meet the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation. With CokMaster's range of...

How Canteen Equipment Can Improve Food Safety a...

Food safety and hygiene are more important than ever, and canteen owners need to ensure that their operations meet the highest standards of cleanliness and sanitation. With CokMaster's range of...

How Canteen Equipment Can Save You Money and Boost Efficiency - CokMaster

How Canteen Equipment Can Save You Money and Bo...

As a canteen owner, you know that running a food service business can be expensive and challenging. Between the costs of ingredients, labor, and overhead, it can be difficult to...

How Canteen Equipment Can Save You Money and Bo...

As a canteen owner, you know that running a food service business can be expensive and challenging. Between the costs of ingredients, labor, and overhead, it can be difficult to...


疫情后,餐饮业请人已经出现了大问题。有华人餐馆老板泪崩,说用工荒请不到人。   不只是中餐馆,多伦多整个餐饮食品行业链出现了请人难的普遍现象。   餐饮行业人手奇缺 位于Danforth上一家De La Mer鲜鱼海鲜市场的老板 David Owen就表示,COVID-19 大流行一年半后,原本需要36名员工的4家店,现在大约缺了10名员工,只剩26人精疲力竭地工作。迫使他不得不做出周一和周二关店的艰难决定。   他说,“我们过去常常发布招聘信息,一周内平均会收到 100 名申请者。现在我们只收到 30 或 40 名。而且我们可能不会雇用任何人。” 他不是唯一发现请人太难了的老板。 在经历了1年多开了关,关了开的餐饮服务行业,包括餐馆、熟食店、面包店和其他小型食品店,现在都面临没有足够的人手来满负荷营运的局面。 “我们实际上不得不减少工作时间并每周关闭两天,因为我们根本没有足够的员工来运行。”Owen说。 代表餐饮服务雇主的行业协会加拿大餐厅总裁兼首席执行Todd Barclay 表示,劳动力市场统计数据显示,在大流行爆发之前,餐饮服务和住宿行业约有 68,000 个职位空缺。 根据加拿大统计局最新的职位空缺数据,这一数字几乎翻了一番,达到13万左右。   行业专家表示,该问题源于一系列因素,包括人口结构变化、与...


疫情后,餐饮业请人已经出现了大问题。有华人餐馆老板泪崩,说用工荒请不到人。   不只是中餐馆,多伦多整个餐饮食品行业链出现了请人难的普遍现象。   餐饮行业人手奇缺 位于Danforth上一家De La Mer鲜鱼海鲜市场的老板 David Owen就表示,COVID-19 大流行一年半后,原本需要36名员工的4家店,现在大约缺了10名员工,只剩26人精疲力竭地工作。迫使他不得不做出周一和周二关店的艰难决定。   他说,“我们过去常常发布招聘信息,一周内平均会收到 100 名申请者。现在我们只收到 30 或 40 名。而且我们可能不会雇用任何人。” 他不是唯一发现请人太难了的老板。 在经历了1年多开了关,关了开的餐饮服务行业,包括餐馆、熟食店、面包店和其他小型食品店,现在都面临没有足够的人手来满负荷营运的局面。 “我们实际上不得不减少工作时间并每周关闭两天,因为我们根本没有足够的员工来运行。”Owen说。 代表餐饮服务雇主的行业协会加拿大餐厅总裁兼首席执行Todd Barclay 表示,劳动力市场统计数据显示,在大流行爆发之前,餐饮服务和住宿行业约有 68,000 个职位空缺。 根据加拿大统计局最新的职位空缺数据,这一数字几乎翻了一番,达到13万左右。   行业专家表示,该问题源于一系列因素,包括人口结构变化、与...